It’s about that time ladies and gents, Christmas season is upon us and winter is HERE! Los Angeles has turned to a brisk 60 degrees (62 in the sun!) and we are bundled up like the winter apocalypse is upon us just how we like it. Now that it’s December it’s time for #blogmas , 25 days of interesting facts, knowledge and holiday fun - i wont be doing all 25 days as im finishing my last quarter at shcool but I hope to be posting some of my favorite holiday joys with you and my adventures along the way!
First topic on the list, favorite holiday movies! They are all pretty much your typical feel good movies (minus Family Stone which makes me cry EVERY TIME) and they all also make my boyfriend give me the eye when the Apple remote starts moving towards the romantic comedy section (he also secretly loves them I’m sure)
I have linked all the i-tunes links below each post for easy access viewing!
Happy Renting!
First topic on the list, favorite holiday movies! They are all pretty much your typical feel good movies (minus Family Stone which makes me cry EVERY TIME) and they all also make my boyfriend give me the eye when the Apple remote starts moving towards the romantic comedy section (he also secretly loves them I’m sure)
I have linked all the i-tunes links below each post for easy access viewing!
Happy Renting!
My top 5 feel good holiday movies:

1. Love Actually – A favorite for me, makes me want to fall in love over and over again. It's feel good cast (and Hugh Grant) makes you want to sing out loud for the Holidays. A great feel good movie for everyone of all ages (note: i wouldnt recomend watchign this with younger children because there is some nudity! bow-chica-wow-woooow)
Makes me want to: make some @ohsheglows hot chocolate and bundle up with my special someone!
the movie:
the hot cocoa recpie:
Makes me want to: make some @ohsheglows hot chocolate and bundle up with my special someone!
the movie:
the hot cocoa recpie:

2. The Holiday – Did you say Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz (IM SOLD!) two women escaping their holiday drama and end up finding themselves in the process. Lots of “heeeyyy I know that place” because it is set in LA for half the movie.
Make me want to: Put my apartment on air b-n-b and go live my life overseas for a season, that’s normal right?!
the movie:
Make me want to: Put my apartment on air b-n-b and go live my life overseas for a season, that’s normal right?!
the movie:

3. While You Were Sleeping – I mean who doesn’t enjoy a good ole fashioned love story, man falls off train track, woman saves his life and an unexpected romance begins. Also Sandra Bullock is the main go-to girl for this film and who doesn’t like a Sandra Bullock film, come on!
Makes me want to: put up my Christmas tree and drink some good wine!
NOTE: It is on HBOGo right now, so dont walk RUN to your TV or computer NOW, pop that bottle of wine and get setteled with a comfy blanket
the movie:
Makes me want to: put up my Christmas tree and drink some good wine!
NOTE: It is on HBOGo right now, so dont walk RUN to your TV or computer NOW, pop that bottle of wine and get setteled with a comfy blanket
the movie:

4. The Family Stone – this is one of those movies that gives me goosebumps and then makes me want to call my mom. One of those depressing feel good movies (sounds interesting right?!) that makes you laugh, then cry, then laugh and then brings you back to crying. This movie is about a family coming together at Christmas time and learning more about each other than they need to know a coming of age story for everyone involved.
Makes me want to: Call my mom and tell her I love her!
the movie:
Makes me want to: Call my mom and tell her I love her!
the movie:

5. Home Alone – Do I even need to describe this quintessential holiday movie, this one is is my go to December 1st movie! Not going to lie the guy with the beard scared the shit out of me when I was younger but it sure gets me every time, good feels! When I hear “White Christmas” I think of this movie and want to grab my comb and start singing. It is about a little boy who gets left by his extremely large family when they all leave on vacation and he holds down the house from intruders trying to get even. A definite comedy that you need to watch!
Makes me want to: listen to “White Christmas” and dance around my house and make a secret plan for any intruders coming my way *evil laugh*
Note: this movie is on HBOGo right now so hurry over and get your viewing party on!
the movie:
Makes me want to: listen to “White Christmas” and dance around my house and make a secret plan for any intruders coming my way *evil laugh*
Note: this movie is on HBOGo right now so hurry over and get your viewing party on!
the movie: