- I love coffee – espresso, YES! Cold brew, sure! Black coffee, put in my hand right now please and thank you!
- Im a cat person! I love dogs with their cute little faces and swagalicious walk but considering I grew up with cats my whole life I got the cat lady gene already installed. However, I feel like I will eventually get a dog before a cat (or maybe at the same time, whomever eyes me first at the shelter)
- One thing I cannot live without? HOT SAUCE! Yes, I take queue from the queen herself BEYONCE and keep hot sauce in my bag SWAG!
- I can be very sarcastic – kinda thinking of something sarcastic to say right now!
- I’m a Lakers fan pre-2010 championship ring Lakers fan (OH NO SHE DIDN’T) I feel like ever since Kobe announced his retirement everyoneeeeee in Los Angeles became an insta-Lakers fan!
- I love to meal prep! Maybe its my OCD factor, or maybe I just love to cook but seeing everything lined up for the morning means I get to sleep in that extra 10 minutes and not worry about what i'm eating for lunch.
- I take pictures, LOTS OF PICTURES! Whether it’s a selfie in front of the Hollywood sign or what I’m going to eat for breakfast I am one of “those people” who constantly reaches for my camera or cell phone to document.
- I can be overbearing. I am that annoying person over your shoulder making sure youre doing things right. I have admitted I have a problem and am working on it… I say that as I sit here and make sure that my boyfriend uses the Swiffer right (ERR I MEAN namasteeeee)
- I don’t eat dairy, so if you’re looking for the perfect Nachos recipe or cheesecake galore you wont find it here (maybe the nachos, im lying – I do make a pretty mean dairy free nachos that is to DIE for!)
- I sing in the car. Silly I know but put on a killer 90’s song and im all about it with the moves to kill!
- Yoga pants, let me tell you about my infatuation of Yoga pants. I can go into Lululemon , Athleta, GAP – YOU NAME IT and drop my whole check on some yoga pants or what I like to call my comfy pants.
- Top favorite tv shows of the moment, Friends (I live and I breath this show) – Monica is my spirit animal. “Broad City”, Ilana you my BOO! , Housewives – their lives are way more entertaining than my own. Mistresses and Stanger Things.
- I am obsessed with makeup! Morphe, ColourPop, Kylie OH MY! I need it all in my life. Yes, I do have 6 different highlighters but Jaclyn Hill just came out with one and I need that one too! If it can make my highlight beam to space and back I WANT IT in and out around my makeup bag.
- As you will soon discover, I have recently picked up some new hobbies – travel journaling and brush calligraphy! We can go to #7 (also my favorite number) and see that taking pictures is my favorite thing to do so why not put that into use and travel journal!
- I’ve worked with kids for over 10 years and they still crack me up every single day! I love how honest and upfront they can be and I love molding minds every single day and knowing im a part of their “growing up” is amazing!
- I want to make fetch happen! I have watched Mean Girls over a million times and yes, I quote it in everyday life!
- I was born and raised in Pasadena, went to school in San Diego (SDSU REPRESENT!) and moved back to Los Angeles to pursue my dream of working with kids and non-profits!
- I Web-MD. Im notorious for Web-MD’ing my symptoms when I’m sick and then all of a sudden three Google searches later I think I have leprosy! Basically I can be a hypochondriac.
- I go to be early and get up early! I am a creature of habit!
- I like to live now, gram later! Ive learned to live in the moment and share my adventures later… but I do love my snapchat!